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Monday, June 4, 2007



In the world is estimated 2 billion mans has been infection hepatitis disease. Two millions dies every year or every minute his(its there are 4 people dies as result of the disease case. Infection speed of hepatitis disease 4 quicker times from disease HIV. infection of Infection of this hepatitis disease through blood stream, baby placenta for containing mother and body fluids like sperm, vagina, and saliva.

Man who hit hepatitis, its(the heart will destroy. the stomach seems to be big, puking, diarrhoea and brass colour people. Liver function filtering poison has fallen to pieces by this virus, as a result death menaces hepatitis patient.

Primate animal ( nation of monkey and monkey) can catching of hepatitis disease through bite or rough copy. Neglect less looks after primate, because perhaps the primate is have infects [by] hepatitis and once he nips you hence you is infected [by] hepatitis.

Tuberculosa ( Tuberculosis)

tuberculosis is disease causing the biggest death second in Indonesia. Symptom generated for example exhalation trouble of like out of breath, coughs until bleeding, body seen emaciated and light. Infection of this disease hardly quickly because contagious [by] through exhalation channel.

Besides man can be infection and catching of TBC disease through its(the dirt. If animal dirt infect by that breathed in by man hence opening man opportunity will be infect also TBC disease. Disease Tuberculosis haves the character of chronically or runs chronic, so that the clinics symptom has just emerged if have been hard.

Animal having catching big potency of TBC disease to man is primate, for example orangutan, owe and ape.

Rabies R

Disease kills which caused by this virus recognized also as rabies. Disease groaning formation of nerve center this can be contagious to man through?via animal bite. Rabies spreader animal bite case is dog ( 90%), cat ( 3%), monkey ( 3%) and other animal ( 1%).

Symptom generated if infection rabies first of all is abnormal behaviour and very sensitive ( easy to fulminate), paralysis and twitch at member of motion. Patient will die because difficulty to breathe and swallows in range of time 2-10 days.


Wormy often is assumed light disease, though the biggest death cause of animal looked after by man in ugly condition is this disease. Stress can increase number of helminthiasises in body. Of the size a real small : 0,01-0,1 mm, hardly easy for catching parasite to all animals is including man.

Diarrhea, thin body, lacking of dilution ( dehydration), anemia and body weakens is initial symptom generated by existence of helminthiasis. Spastics at all member of motion, big stomach and firm as result of existence of gas hoard ( flatulent) be sign that poison has disseminated to all body. If(when not soon is cured hence death will fetch its(the patient.

Most all animals having potency catching of worms, for example primate, fox, cat, nuri bird, cockatoo, and others.


This disease daunted by womankind because causing bareness or always miscarriage of if containing. Baby bearing with condition also earns in causing by this disease.

Disease Toxoplasmosis propagated by nation animal of cat, for example forest cat, tiger or also home based cat. Infection to man through four ways that is: not intentionally swallows impure has food or beverage of Toxoplasama, eats food coming from flesh containing parasite Toxoplasmosis and is not cooked in matured super. Other infection is infection of contagious disease passed baby placenta in contents of for containing mother. Way of last infection is through blood transfusion.


Even has not there are report about disease case Psittacosis suffered by man but disease propagated by bent bill bird ( nuri bird and cockatoo) this can cause exhalation trouble. Its(the infection can pass bird dirt which then breathed in by man.

Clinic symptom generated by inter alias is exhalation trouble starts from out of breath until inflammation at exhalation channel, diarrhea, tremor and weakness at member of motion. Condition would going worse if(when patient in condition of stress and food which lacking of healthy food.


Bacterium Salmonella steps into patient body through impure food or beverage of this bacterium. Effect generated if infection [by] bacterium Salmonella is inflammation at alimentary canal until its(the breakdown gut wall. As a result patient will experience diarrhea, food gist entering in body cannot be permeated carefully so that patient would seems to weakening and thin. Poison yielded by bacterium Salmonella to cause brain damage, woman reproductive organ even is being pregnant can experience miscarriage.

Animal which able to catching of this salmonella disease for example primate, iguana, snake, and bird.


Conspecific caused by disease of this germ groans all animal types is including man. Body organ that is very taken a fancy to by this germ thrives is kidney and reproductive organ. Infection of disease is having initial from existence of open hurt and contamination with urine or dilution from reproductive organ. impure food or beverage cause infection of admission can in body.

Symptom which is easy is observed if infection [by] this disease is urine turns into squeezing because patient kidney to experience hemorrhage. Besides head will experience remarkable pain, depression, weak body even pregnant woman also will experience miscarriage. Till now has not there are vaccine Leptospira for man, available just for animal. Animal which able to catching of this horrible disease is dog, cat, tiger, mouse, fox, glaring and squirrel.


Existence of skin vesicant in all body is initial symptom generated if virus infection [by] herpes. This virus can cause death for nation of primate. Man can be infected from bite or animal rough copy containing the virus. This disease patient will experience dehydration as result of skin vesicant and finally death will fetch it. Bewared of if looking after primate like monkey, monkey, owa, ape, orangutan, and others. It is possible that primate which you looks after that simply suffers herpes!


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