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Thursday, May 31, 2007


ANNUAL REPORT of Hospital University [in] Glorious Petaling recognize surely heart sickness that precede death number every year compare other diseases. Number sickness of heart progressively mount 5% from year 1991 so that 1992. Apart from heart sickness, there are six other disease which often menace boy and cause death. [Among/Between] him [is] boil, waist bush, diabetes and thyroid.

Semi this serious disease may be taken care of and healed [by] if getting rawatan early. Boy suggested to make inspection of doctor at least biannual look into there are disease which cannot press, no inspection of doctor. Life deed which [is] health assist boy of disease- disease of danger. If natural you [of] marking below/under, immediately get inspection of doctor of uncertainty.


Caution! This Disease also become murderer of number one boy besides than accident [in] roadway. Boy ratio of heart patients sickness compare woman [is] 5:1. Heart sickness more is attacking [of] boy of because woman body contain of a kind protection hormone of[is so-called estrogen. This hormone [of] have function to perpetuate size channel blood under normal circumstances. Even though, woman which smoking and experiencing of diabetes pain also have potency [to] get diabetes pain also have potency [to] get heart pain like boy. But to woman which [do] not smoke and [do] not experience of goods of[is problem of diabetes, opportunity get this disease attenuate to compare boy.


Diabetes and high blood.

Most patient which [is] disease of high blood and diabetes have potency [to] get heart sickness. disease of diabetes often experience of lacking of insulin content in body. As a result fat in body difficult to break time of metabolism. Blood channel become to narrow and taper down blood to heart.

High blood pressure also cause heart of bacterial more bad and making [him/ it] is bigger. As a result, oxygen to heart fall short if big heart size and cause heart muscles cannot function better.


Clan factor also become this disease hill. If father or mother of have heart sickness, children also [is] same disease ices.


Accrue demeanor very influence health of heart. Intake of abundant fat become especial hill cause difficult and narrow; tight blood channel [of] blood to heart.


Alcohol also become enemy to health of heart. Alcohol cause transfer of fat in body. Alcohol may be annihilate [of] fat of HDL ( Hudensity Lipoprotein) in body. Fat of HDL [is] from important vegetable and good to health of body. alcohol of cause fat of HDL change over to become LDL ( Lowdensity Lipoprotein). Fat of LDL recognized also unfavorable fat and he [do] not be needed [by] very.


Deed smoke to cause commisioned lung cater oxygen cannot undertake better and may oxygen comesin body. If oxygen decrease, directly he [is]comes health of heart.


Activity exterior which [is] health need for your heart. Activity cause heart undertake active with interest and burn fats which [do] not be needed at in body. By is such [of] like jogging, swimming and others also need to parry this disease.

Disease marking :
1. Always experience of to feel painfulness [in] chest part
2. Often have sweat [to] with many. They [is] have sweat [to] by which below par.
3. They also often feel dizzy and poking.

Way of avoid that:

1. [Do/Conduct] jogging consecutively.
2.its there [is] high blood or diabetes, getting care immediately.
3. To smoker and drunkard, discontinuing this ugly demeanour as soon as possible.
4. Don'T be insensitive perform [a] inspection of doctor every year.
5. For the man who experience of the problem of body weight, labour to taper down body to weight.

Predict want to taper down body weight, [do/conduct] fairly. [Do/Conduct] jogging and taper down intake of food especially fatty food. Don'T once in a while use goods or pill of medicine to taper down body to weight. This [of] thin pill goods because there [is] impression of unfavourable peripheral for the body of your body.


Ratio disease of boil which [is] targeting by boy of including lung boil, blood boil ( pharynx boil and leukemia).

DISEASE in critical.

Especial critical of lung boil smoke and disclosure to dirt containing dioxide carbon and silica of[is including smokes of factory smoke.

Critical hill to disease of blood boil still unknown critics. Disease of pharynx boil also merely attack among Chinese nation. He by inheritance and virus.
Marking disease of Boil Lung.
Cough which not break.
Cough accompanied [by] blood.
downhill Body weight and body becoming is thin.

Discontinuing demeanour smoke. Follow life ethics which [is] health. Use protector to avoid and parry x'self of air containing dioxide carbon and silica.

this Disease owner still may be taken care of is earlier. If age have reach 40 year, it is better often find doctor. If going into effect hemorrhage goods, immediately find doctor.

Its it

Take care early made to [pass/through] inspection of X-Ray. Predict this disease pass [in] taking care of, opportunity for recovering [is] attenuating.

Marking disease of Boil Blood:

Fever which repeatedly.
Oftentimes go into effect hemorrhage.
Blood go out from hair caves, ear and nose.
Easy husk become thick and like to swell.
Marking disease of Boil of Tekok.
Nose often bleed.
Hearing effort decrease.
Neck become swelling.

This disease cannot be taken care of so that recover. la shall only be guarded is only.
Its it
There are some type of leukemia may be healed [by] medicine and of doctor care. There [is] also type of leukemia irremediable.


Tuberculosis patient lung through X-ray

Tuberculoses or tuberculosis is infection because bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, what can destroy lung but earns also about central nervous system ( meningitis, system lymphatic, circulation system ( milliard TB), system genitourinary, bone and joint.

Indonesia stays in third rank is ugly in world for tuberculosis patient amounts. Every year emerges 500 thousand new cases and more than 140 thousand other died.

Date of 24 March is commemorated [by] world as “Day Tuberculosis". By 24 March 1882, Robert Koch in Berlin, German, presents results of cause tuberculosis found by it.


Tuberculosis exhalation, confirmation in bacteriologic and histology

Tuberculosis exhalation, is not confirmation in bacteriologic and histology

Tuberculosis at nervous system
Tuberculosis at other organ
Tuberculosis millier


Tetanus disease is one of dangerous infection because influencing nerve blood-vessel system and muscle. Said tetanus taken away from Greek that is tetanos from teinein is meaning strained. This disease is infection disease where spasme tonic muscle and hyperreflexia causes trismus ( lockjaw), spasme public muscle, curved of back ( opistotonus), glottal spasme, spastic and spasme and respiration paralysis.

Pathogenesis and pato physiology

Tetanus is caused [by] neurotoxin ( tetanospasmin) from anaerobe gram-positive bacteria, Clostridium tetani, originallyly finite 1 of 2 week after inoculation form of spore into body blood experiencing wounded ( incubation period). This disease is 1 from 4 important disease which manifests main clinics is result from exotoxin strength influence ( tetanus, gas gangrene, diphtheria, botulism).

Bacterium Clostridium this tetani many found in land, night soil and looking after animal and in agriculture area. Place of the entry of this disease germ can in the form of in hurt relating to damage of local network, planted of foreign object or sepsis with contamination of land, small and [shallow/ superficial] chafed or shift hurt contamination by land, trauma at hand finger or toe relating to phalanx break and hurt at surgery.


To neutralize poison, given immunoglobulin tetanus. Antibiotic tetracycline and penicillin given to prevent forming of further poison.

Other drug can be given to make calm patient, controls spastic and loosens muscles.

Patient usually is taken care of in hospital and placed in calm room. For middle infection until weight, may be necessary is attached ventilator to assist exhalation. Food is given [by] through infusion or tubing nasogastrik. To throw away dirt, attached catheter. Patient better lie down rotation of sinistrorse incline or dextrorse and forced to cough to prevent the happening of pneumonia.

To lessen pain in bone is given [by] codeine. Other drug can be given to control blood pressure and heartbeat.

After recovering, must be given complete vaccination because infection of tetanus doesn't give impenetrability to the next infection.


Tetanus has mortality until 50%. Death of its happened at a real young patient, very old and injection drug consumer.

If the symptom deteriorated immediately or if therapy delays, hence its(the ugly prognosis.


Prevents tetanus through vaccination is far better than curing it. At children, tetanus vaccine given as part of vaccine DPT ( diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus). Adult better receive booster

At someone who is having hurt, if:

Has received booster tetanus during 5 last year, not necessarily experience further vaccination

Have never received booster during 5 last year, soon is given vaccination

Have never experienced its(the vaccination or vaccination is incomplete, given injection immunoglobulin first tetanus and injection from vaccination 3 monthly.

Every hurt ( especially rough poke hurt which in) must be cleaned circumspectly because dirt and death network will water down growth of bacterium Clostridium tetani.


Disease is an abnormal situation from body or mind causing in-(un- balmy, dysfunction or difficulty to people is influenced [by] it. To heal disease, ordinary people takes counsel with a medical doctor.

Pathology is pandemic Lesson. Systematic classification subject of disease called as oncology. Pandemic broader knowledge body is medical.


Flea attack is one disease is caused [by] haiwan flea.


Time from lighted upon until egg to hatch usually 5 until 7 day.


Head of itching, white fleck at hair jetty, possibly there are flea in leading.

deportation suggested

Not necessarily so long as is experiencing treatment of flea.


Family, friend and student as of class must be investigated and taken care of if it is hit flea. Bed and clothes must be deloused with drug water or temperature water.


Mange Disease is one contagions which caused by fungi.

Why Should Infection

Why should infection so is hit disease is a few days.


Harsh small part at skin by encircled [by] pink circle.


Mange earns is catching passed direct contact with patient and also indirectly ( through clothes for example). Disease vector usually is dog and cat.


Cleans hand finely, body keep cleaning, and avoids contact with patient.


Usage of anti mushroom drug containing mikonazol ( C18H14Cl4N2O) and kloritomazol ( C22H17ClN2) truly can eliminate infection.


Scabies Disease or also recognized as Scabies is one disease infectious.


Time ex until hits different disease ( possibly a few days). New infection: 2 until 6 week Reinfection: 1 until 4 day.


Itchy skin, more hardly when night. More hardly in wrist, armpit, bottom, groin and hand finger gap and foot/feet.

deportation suggested

Suggested until day treatment has started.


Man that is near must be investigated was lighted upon and taken care of if needs. Cleans all, towel and clothes used at 2 latter day with warm water and detergent.


AIDS in English is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which is gathering of various symptoms and infection in consequence of loss of impenetrability system of body because infection from Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV). Even there [are] handling for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and HIV, its(the drug has not been known. Various influencing factors is health, function of impenetrability, health service, and other infection.

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is estimated to emerges in African Sub-Sahara at century ke-20 and now becomes global epidemic. WHO estimates 2,8 - 3,5 million men floats because acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the year 2004 [ 1].

In nations having access to handling of drug antiretroviral, death rate and case declines. But, the drug also has side effects like lip dystrophy, dyslipidaemia, and rejection of insulin.

Day World Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is commemorated [by] every 1 December to grow awareness to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic in the world which caused by spreading of virus HIV.


Since beginning of epidemic, three infection lines of HIV have been known:

Sexual line, becoming the root cause infection HIV.

Blood line or blood product, most off all menaces consumer narkoba, people with hemophilia, and blood transfusion receiver.

Line mom-child, with infection at last weeks of pregnancy and when birth. Initially, level of infection of this line is 20%. After there are handling, declines so remains 1%

HIV also is found in saliva, tear, sweat water, dirty water, and man sperm who infection with concentration of a real small virus.