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Monday, June 4, 2007


Disease Skarlatina or also recognized as Scarlet fever is one disease infectious.

Incubation period

Time ex until hits different disease ( possibly a few days). Infection : 1 until 3 day.


Throat pain, high fever and puking, followed with rash within 12 to 36 hours.

Tempoh deportation suggested

Yes, until at least 24 hours after treatment has started and healthier pesakit.


Cleans hand to apply water and soap accurately. Ill near by people must meet with their medical doctor.

Heart attack


Heart sickness is death cause of first one at adult Americans. Every year his(its, in United States:

478000 dies because coroner heart sickness.

1,5 million experiences heart attack.

407000 experiences operation of switchover.

300000 experiences angioplasty.

Heart sickness, stroke, and peripheral disease of arterial is disease killed. In the world, number of this disease patients always increases. Third this disease category doesn't get out of under the way life style which many done along with changing it life pattern.

Factors heart attack is smoking, consumes high cholesterol food, unable to move, having athletics lazy, stress, and unable to take a rest.

Recognition of Heart

Heart is organ in the form of muscle, pineal, hollow and with its(the bases is above and its(the top below(under. its(the Apex ( top) left heel over. Heart weight about 300 grams. That functioning heart as push which is efficient, heart muscles, upper cavity and cavity under having to contraction in rotation. this Heart pulses speed or pump job(activity controlled naturally by a " rhythm regulator". This consisted of a group of peculiarly, called as nodus sinotrialis, located is inwall [by] right atrium. An electrics impulse transmission from nodus sinotrialis to both galleries makes both contraction at a timely. This electric current hereinafter in continuing to room walls, in turn makes contraction rooms at a timely. This contraction period called as systole. Hereinafter this period followed with a relaxation period of short - about 0,4 seconds - so-called diastole, before the next impulse come. Nodus sinotrialus yields between 60 to 72 impulses like is every minute when heart at leisure. Produce of this impulses also controlled by a part of nervous system so-called otonomous nervous system, is working outside [by] our desire. Electrical system of this built-in yields cardiac muscle contractions step by step so-called heartbeat.

Coroner Heart Sickness Risk Factors

Enters age 45 years for man.

Of vital importance for the man to realize susceptance they and brings an action against is positive to prevent coming it heart sickness.

For woman, enters age 55 years or experiences menopause early ( as operation effect).

Woman starts proposes man in the case of heart sickness risk after experiencing menopause.

Heart sickness history in family.

Heart attack history in family often is effect [of] cholesterol profile that is below par.


Most patient diabetes dies is not because the increasing of level blood sugar, but because condition of complicacy their heart.


Heart sickness risk drain equivalent smoking with 100 body overweight pounds - thus not possibly equalizes both.

High blood pressure ( hypertension).

Fatness ( obesity).

Middle obesity ( bay window) be forming of fatness. Although all butterballs tends to has heart sickness risk, people with more middle obesity again.

Ugly life style.

Ugly life style is one of root cause of heart sickness - and changes it with activity of physical of is one of step of most radical which can be taken.


Many researches which has indicated that, if facing strained situation that, can happened arrhythmias heart endangering soul.

Heart attack

Heart attack is a condition when damage experienced by part of cardiac muscle ( myocardium) sudden effect hardly the lessen of blood over there. The lessen of blood to heart in abrupt can happened when one of urethra blockade tar coroner for several when, don't know effect spasme - boisterous of urethra coroner - or akibar blood Iump - thrombus. Part of usual cardiac muscle by urethra blockade desists functioning carefully soon after splasme alleviates by itself, symptoms losed functioning accross the board and cardiac muscle really normal again. This often is called as crescendo of angina or coronary insufficiency. On the contrary, if blood to heart is desisted at all, the cells experiences permanent change only in just a few hours and part of cardiac muscle is intended to experiences degradation quality or damage in permanent. This dead muscle called as infarct.

Heart attack Symptom

This symptoms for each and everyone can be differ in. a heart attack possibly is started with ill defined pain taste, taste is not hazy balmy, or congested taste is centered [by] chest. Sometime, a heart attack only generate taste is not very light balmy so that often misinterpreted as indigestion, or even gets out of attention at all. In this case, the only enabling way detected [by] it a heart attack is when having to experiences inspection of ECG for other reason of which might not interconnected. Other party, heart attack possibly presents worst pain in bone taste which been experienced by - remarkable congested taste or jam in taste at chest, red lane or stomach. Can also cool or hot sweat, foot/feet felt pain once and fear taste that doom have been near. Also possibly feels is balmier if sitting compared to if lying down and possible of breath so(after congested so that cannot easy going. Confused and queasy taste even until puking, even which more the that is when until collapse and insensible.

There are some symptom which more specific, is:

Pain in bone. If muscle didn't get enough bloods ( a situation of so-called ischemia), hence oxygen that is is adequate not and causing abundant metabolism result cramps or spastic. Angina is having sense congested in chest or feeling of chest , is arising if cardiac muscle didn't get blood that is enough. this Type and pain in bone wt. or un-comfort varies in each people. Some people myang experiences lacking of blood stream cannot feel pain in bone at all ( a situation of so-called silent ischemia).

Out of breath is symptom that is usually found at heart-failure. Congested is effect [of] the entry of dilution into air chamber in lung ( congest pulmonary or edema pulmonary).

Fatigue or tired. If heart is not effective pumps, hence blood stream to muscle during doing activity will decrease, causes patient to feel light and fatigue. This symptom often haves the character of light. To overcome it, patient usually lessens its(the activity is step by step or thinks this symptom as part of ageing.

Palpitation ( heart palpitates)

Confused & insensible. Degradation of blood stream because abnormal pulse or heart rhythm or because ability of ugly pump, can cause insensible and is confused.

Forewarning Marking

However, very wrong of opinion that a heart attack comes like thunder in daytime. Heart attack is disaster top from a damage process taking place stripper, often entangles emotional surprises, physiological chaos and mental fatigue. Forewarning marking so(after subjective and so disguise, so that even medical doctor training for all something objective able to disregard it.


Based on symptoms felt, a medical doctor can make estimate which natural existence concerning whether the symptoms sign heart attack or no. Its(the suspicion is possibly strengthened by appearance the patient, level of blood pressure and heart tick sound. Medical doctor possibly will send it to inspection of ECG and blood test, but if(when still feeling pain in bone, medical doctor perhaps will give injection losing pain in bone before the inspection. This because fearful pain in bone can bring to crevasse that is deeper, which able to cause heart symptom. The pain in bone also can generate long-range psychological impact. first ECG might not show heart attack marking and possible of the inspection must be repeated. Sometime second test also still don't show change, and during this matter, diagnosis will base on inspection of blood. Heart, like all other body cell, contains chemical material specially is called as enzyme. When heart cells experiences damage, enzymes discharged circulates with blood stream. after a heart attack, rate some of this enzymes rising direct, but hereinafter the enzymes be decomposes and in consequence was not detected again after one day or due day; there is new enzyme is discharged [by] a few hour(clocks or some day then lingers on in blood for several day or even a few weeks.

10 pandemic wrong assumptions of heart
Heart sickness only happened at butterball only
Heart sickness cannot at child or young people
Woman free of heart sickness
Heart sickness only one kinds of
The heart of healthy, unlikely heart pain able
There is no relationship with attack stroke
Heart sickness is hereditary disease
Heart sickness cannot be prevented
Hit heart sickness because often is surprised
Heart sickness emerges because often consumes banana heart menu

Gastritis and intestine

Gastritis and intestine is one disease infectious.

Incubation period

Time is hit until hitting disease to hinge the Ponca is in a few hours until a few days.


Combination often throws away big intention or defecates having water, puking, fever, stomachache, headache.

Deportation tempo suggested

Yes, at least during 24 hours after diarrhea desists.


Cleans hand accurately with soap and water after throwing away intention or touchs napkin and before touching food.


Rabies ( rabies) be acute infection disease at formation of central nerve which caused by rabies virus, and contagious [by] through animal bite penular rabies especially dog, cat and monkey.


Rabies virus.

Rabies virus there is in animal saliva infection. This animal infection to other animal of man through bite and sometime through lick. Virus will make a move from its(the place admission through nerves towards to medulla spinals and brain, where they are growth. Hereinafter virus will make a move again through nerve towards to salivary gland and comes into saliva.

Many animals which able to catching of rabies to man. Which very often becomes source of rabies is dog; other animal of which also able to become source of infection of rabies is cat, bat, raccoon, skink, fox.

Rabies at dog still often is found in Latin America, African and Asian, because not all looking after animals gets vaccination for this disease. Animal infection can be experience savage rabies or tame rabies. At savage rabies, animal hit seen jumpy and malignant, then becomes paralysis and death. At tame rabies, since beginning of already happened local paralysis or total paralysis.

Though hardly seldom, rabies can be contagious through impure air inhaling. Has been reported 2 case happened at explorer breathing in air in where many there is bats.


Symptom usually starts arising within 30-50 days after infection, but its(the incubation period varies out of 10 days until more than 1 year. Incubation period usually shortest at man who bitten upon head or place closed by trunks or when bite there is in many places.

At 20% patient, rabies is started with paralysis at under which to all body. But this disease usually is started with short period from mental depression, disquiet, not delicious of body and fever. Disquiet will increase to become gladness? joy that is uncontrollably and patient will salivate.

Red Lane muscle spastic and sound track can felt extraordinary pain. This spastic happened as result of existence of brain area trouble arranging process to swallow and exhalation. Light breeze and tries to drink water can cause this twitch. Therefore rabies patient cannot drink. Because thing this is, hence this disease sometime also is called as hydrophobia ( water fear).


If someone is nipped [by] animal, hence nipping animal must be observed. Immunofluoresensi ( fluorescence antibody test) what done to the animal can indicate that the animal suffers rabies.

Skin biopsy, where neck skin taken for under microscope, usually can show existence of virus.


If soon is conducted action correct prevention, hence someone who nipped animal suffering rabies seldom will suffer rabies. Man who nipped hare and animal pengerat ( including bajing, mouse) doesn't require further therapy because the animals seldom be infection rabies. But if nipped [by] beast ( skink, raccoon, fox and bat) required further therapy because the animals might possibly be infection rabies.

Precaution most importantly is handling of bite hurt soon possibly. Area nipped cleaned with soap, rough poke which in sprayed with soap water. If hurt had been cleaned, to patient which have never got immunization with rabies vaccine is give [by] injection immunoglobulin rabies, where half from its(the dose is inseminated in place of bite.

If have never got immunization, hence injection of rabies vaccine passed to when nipped [by] rabies animal and at day to 3, 7, 14 and 28. Pain in bone and swell in place of injection usually haves the character of light. Seldom happened allergic reaction which is serious, less than 1% experiencing fever after experiencing vaccination.

If patient have ever got vaccination, hence risk suffers rabies will decrease, but bite hurt must remain to is cleaned and given [by] 2 vaccine dose ( at day 0 and 2).

Before finding of therapy, death usually happened in 3-10 days. Most patient dies because breath road(street cork ( asphyxia), spastic, fatigue or total paralysis. Though death because rabies have ever been anticipated cannot be obviated, but some people safe something. They is carried over [by] intensive ward to be observed to symptoms at lung, heart and brain. Giving of vaccine and also rabies Ig seems to be effective if in a moment patient shows rabies symptoms.


Stages to prevent rabies can be taken before viral protactinium or soon after protactinium. For example, vaccination can be given to high ice people who to presentation of virus, that is : - veterinary - laboratory officer handling animals infection - permanent people who or remains more than 30 days in area where rabies at dog many found - the bat cave explorers.

Vaccination gives protect for a lifetime. But antibody rate will decline, so that man who high cause to presentation hereinafter must get dose buster vaccination every 2 year.



In the world is estimated 2 billion mans has been infection hepatitis disease. Two millions dies every year or every minute his(its there are 4 people dies as result of the disease case. Infection speed of hepatitis disease 4 quicker times from disease HIV. infection of Infection of this hepatitis disease through blood stream, baby placenta for containing mother and body fluids like sperm, vagina, and saliva.

Man who hit hepatitis, its(the heart will destroy. the stomach seems to be big, puking, diarrhoea and brass colour people. Liver function filtering poison has fallen to pieces by this virus, as a result death menaces hepatitis patient.

Primate animal ( nation of monkey and monkey) can catching of hepatitis disease through bite or rough copy. Neglect less looks after primate, because perhaps the primate is have infects [by] hepatitis and once he nips you hence you is infected [by] hepatitis.

Tuberculosa ( Tuberculosis)

tuberculosis is disease causing the biggest death second in Indonesia. Symptom generated for example exhalation trouble of like out of breath, coughs until bleeding, body seen emaciated and light. Infection of this disease hardly quickly because contagious [by] through exhalation channel.

Besides man can be infection and catching of TBC disease through its(the dirt. If animal dirt infect by that breathed in by man hence opening man opportunity will be infect also TBC disease. Disease Tuberculosis haves the character of chronically or runs chronic, so that the clinics symptom has just emerged if have been hard.

Animal having catching big potency of TBC disease to man is primate, for example orangutan, owe and ape.

Rabies R

Disease kills which caused by this virus recognized also as rabies. Disease groaning formation of nerve center this can be contagious to man through?via animal bite. Rabies spreader animal bite case is dog ( 90%), cat ( 3%), monkey ( 3%) and other animal ( 1%).

Symptom generated if infection rabies first of all is abnormal behaviour and very sensitive ( easy to fulminate), paralysis and twitch at member of motion. Patient will die because difficulty to breathe and swallows in range of time 2-10 days.


Wormy often is assumed light disease, though the biggest death cause of animal looked after by man in ugly condition is this disease. Stress can increase number of helminthiasises in body. Of the size a real small : 0,01-0,1 mm, hardly easy for catching parasite to all animals is including man.

Diarrhea, thin body, lacking of dilution ( dehydration), anemia and body weakens is initial symptom generated by existence of helminthiasis. Spastics at all member of motion, big stomach and firm as result of existence of gas hoard ( flatulent) be sign that poison has disseminated to all body. If(when not soon is cured hence death will fetch its(the patient.

Most all animals having potency catching of worms, for example primate, fox, cat, nuri bird, cockatoo, and others.


This disease daunted by womankind because causing bareness or always miscarriage of if containing. Baby bearing with condition also earns in causing by this disease.

Disease Toxoplasmosis propagated by nation animal of cat, for example forest cat, tiger or also home based cat. Infection to man through four ways that is: not intentionally swallows impure has food or beverage of Toxoplasama, eats food coming from flesh containing parasite Toxoplasmosis and is not cooked in matured super. Other infection is infection of contagious disease passed baby placenta in contents of for containing mother. Way of last infection is through blood transfusion.


Even has not there are report about disease case Psittacosis suffered by man but disease propagated by bent bill bird ( nuri bird and cockatoo) this can cause exhalation trouble. Its(the infection can pass bird dirt which then breathed in by man.

Clinic symptom generated by inter alias is exhalation trouble starts from out of breath until inflammation at exhalation channel, diarrhea, tremor and weakness at member of motion. Condition would going worse if(when patient in condition of stress and food which lacking of healthy food.


Bacterium Salmonella steps into patient body through impure food or beverage of this bacterium. Effect generated if infection [by] bacterium Salmonella is inflammation at alimentary canal until its(the breakdown gut wall. As a result patient will experience diarrhea, food gist entering in body cannot be permeated carefully so that patient would seems to weakening and thin. Poison yielded by bacterium Salmonella to cause brain damage, woman reproductive organ even is being pregnant can experience miscarriage.

Animal which able to catching of this salmonella disease for example primate, iguana, snake, and bird.


Conspecific caused by disease of this germ groans all animal types is including man. Body organ that is very taken a fancy to by this germ thrives is kidney and reproductive organ. Infection of disease is having initial from existence of open hurt and contamination with urine or dilution from reproductive organ. impure food or beverage cause infection of admission can in body.

Symptom which is easy is observed if infection [by] this disease is urine turns into squeezing because patient kidney to experience hemorrhage. Besides head will experience remarkable pain, depression, weak body even pregnant woman also will experience miscarriage. Till now has not there are vaccine Leptospira for man, available just for animal. Animal which able to catching of this horrible disease is dog, cat, tiger, mouse, fox, glaring and squirrel.


Existence of skin vesicant in all body is initial symptom generated if virus infection [by] herpes. This virus can cause death for nation of primate. Man can be infected from bite or animal rough copy containing the virus. This disease patient will experience dehydration as result of skin vesicant and finally death will fetch it. Bewared of if looking after primate like monkey, monkey, owa, ape, orangutan, and others. It is possible that primate which you looks after that simply suffers herpes!


Hand disease, foot/feet and oral

Hand disease, foot/feet and mouth is one disease infectious.

Incubation period

Time ex until hits disease 3 until 7 day.


Simple disease, possibly with fever, rash in mouth part, hand and foot/feet, and possible in part

Tempoh deportation suggested

Yes, so drought blister.


Cleans hand accurately especially after cleaning nose, applies toilet or changes.


be negativity gram coccus bacterium that is naturally life in human body. Meningokokus can cause infection at membrane blanketing brain and back bone marrow ( meningitis), infection of blood and infection of other weight at adult and children. Neisseria gonorhoeae, also is natural negativity gram coccus at man, what causes gonorrhea, a sexual contagion which able to about urethra, vagina and anus and menjalar can to joint. Many specieses Neisseria which normally life in red lane and mouth, vagina and intestine, but they seldom cause infeksiNeisseria menigitidis ( meningokokus) be negativity gram coccus bacterium that is naturally life in body. Meningokokus can cause infection at brain packer membrane and medulla spinalis ( meningitis), infection of blood and infection of other weight at adult and children.

Neisseria gonorhoeae, also is natural negativity gram coccus at man, what causes gonorrhea, a sexual contagion which able to about urethra, vagina and anus and come can to joint.

Many specieses Neisseria which normally life in red lane and mouth, vagina and intestine, but they seldom cause infection.

Incubation period

Time ex until hits disease 2 to 10 days.


Sudden fever and combination of headache, stiff neck, nausea, puking, sleepy and rash.

Tempoh deportation suggested

Suggested obtains medical help immediately. Patient will require treatment in hospital.


Doesn't drink the same beverage. Man that is near must meet with medical doctor immediately if symptom emerges, and may be necessary drinks certain antibiotic.


Red blood cell infection by Pvivax

Malaria is co specific of contagion which in man around 350-500 million infection and more than 1 million deaths every year, especially in trop. and in African below(under desert Sahara.

Malaria because of protozoa parasite. Plasmodium ( one of Apicomplexa) and infection of vector for man malaria parasite is mosquito Anopheles. Manner from Plasmodium falciparum from this parasite is in control of 80% case and 90% death.

For its(the invention to malaria cause, a military medical doctor Francis Charles Louis Alphonse Lavern is given [by] Awards Nobel for Physiology and Medics at 1907.

Symptom from malaria is including fever, trembles, arthralgia ( articulation pain), poking, anemia, and convulsion. And possible also taste " tingle" in skin especially malaria which caused P. falciparum. Complicacy malaria is including comma and death if(when sleazy; likelier moppet caused on fatal.


Disease conjunctivitis is one disease infectious.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation at conjunctiva.

Conjunctivitis Gonococci

Newborn baby can get infection of gonococcus at conjunctiva from its(the mother when passing road(street to born. In consequence every newborn baby gets eye drop ( usually nitrate silver, providing iodine) or antibiotic balm ( for example erythromycin) to kill bacterium which able to cause conjunctivitis gonococci.

Adult can get conjunctivitis gonococci through the relation of sexual ( for example if dilution of cement infection comes into eye). Usually conjunctivitis only groan one eyes.

Within 12-48 hours after infection starts, eye becomes squeezing and pain in bone. Otherwise is cured can be formed ulkus cornea, abscess, perforation of eye even blindness. To overcome conjunctivitis gonococci can be given tablet, injection and also eye drop containing antibiotic.

Tempo incubation

Time ex until hits disease 1-3 days.


Eye felt scratchy, red and possibly haves water. Eyelid possibly is slicked at the time sleep similar. Conjunctiva experiencing irritation would seems to squeezing and releases dirt. Conjunctivitis because bacterium releases viscid dirt and having color white. Conjunctivitis because virus or releasing allergic is clear dirt.

Eyelid can be swell and very itching, especially at conjunctivitis because allergy.

Other symptom is: - eye haves water - eye felt pain in bone - eye felt itchy - dull opinion? sight - sensitive to light - formed cropping at eyelid when awaking up morning.


Conjunctivitis easy to be catching, in consequence before and after cleaning or dabs drug, patient must clean [his] arms cleanness.

Labors not to touch healthy eye after handling ill eye.

Doesn't apply towel or mop together with other unmated.

Applies contact lens as according to guide from its(the medical doctor and maker factory.


Cholera ( also is called as Asiatic cholera) be contagion in gastrointestinal tract which caused by bacterium Vibrio cholera. This bacterium usually comes into body through drinking water contamination by sanitary landfill that is not true or by eating fish that is not is cooked [by] correctness, especially fish shell. Its(the symptom is including diarrhea, stomach karamu, enact, puking, and dehydration. Death usually is because of dehydration. If it is let sleazy of cholera has high death rate. Treatment usually with aggressive dehydrate " regimen" usually sent in intravenous, is continuing until diarrhea to desist.


When normal cell ( A) damage or stripper ( 2), they experience apoptosis ( 1); cancer cell ( B) avoids apoptosis and always cut x'self.

Cancer is disease in-group ness marked with cell division that is is not in control and ability of the cells to groan other biological network, either with direct growth in adjacent network ( invasion) or with migration of cell to far place ( metastasis). Growth that is is not in control the is caused [by] DNA damage, causes mutation in vital gene controlling cell division. Some fruit of mutations possibly required to change normal cell become cancer cell. The mutations often is resulted chemical agent and also physical of so-called carcinogen. Mutation can happened spontaneously ( obtained) and or is endowed ( mutation germ line).

Cancer can cause many different symptoms, bases on its(the location and character from ferocity and whether there are metastasis. a determining diagnosis usually requires microscopic inspection of network obtained with biopsy. After diagnosed, cancer usually is taken care of with operation, chemotherapy and/or radiation.

when sleazy, most cancer causes death; cancer is one of the root cause death in developing countries. Most cancer can be taken care of and many healed, especially if(when treatment is started [by] since beginning. Multiform of cancer relates to environmental factor that is actually can be avoided. Tobacco smoking can cause many cancers from other environmental factor.

Tumor ( language Latin; swell) refers network mass that is below par, but cans be in the form of " malignant" ( haves the character of cancer) or " tame" ( doesn't have the character of cancer). Only tumor raised hell capable to groan other network and or having metastasis.

diagnose cancer

Most cancer is recognized by sign or symptom seen or through " screening". Second this is not towards to clear diagnosis, usual requires a biopsy. Some cancers is found not intentionally at the time of evaluation in from problem which do not correlate.

Cancer research

Cancer research is scientific business which many elaborated to comprehend disease process and finds enabling therapy. Though understanding of cancer had grows in exponent since last decade from century ke-20, radical new therapy only found and introduced step by step.

Resistor tyrosine kinesis ( imatinib and gefitinib) by the end of 1990-an is assumed [by] a main breakthrough; they bother especially with protein tumor. Antibody monoclonal has proven a big step in treatment ontological.


Influenza Disease is one contagions.

Incubation period
Why should infection so comes down with this is 1-3 days.
Sudden fever, head cold, throat pain, coughs, muscle pain and headache.
Quarantine or deportation
Patient is suggested to detach x'self or quarantined to be finite of they feel healthier.
The elderly or they have chronic disease is suggested immunized.

mutation of Influenza virus

Influenza virus very quickly mutation, so that each time the virus experts must try finds shield which new. A few last years of we recognize flu Hong Kong and in the year 2005 flu bird. These all showing what a difficult of effort for shields to this disease.


Impetigo is one contagions. Impetigo is dermatitis causing the forming of small contained matter ( pustule).

Impetigo very often groans children, especially which hygiene of its(the less body and can emerge in part of body it doesn't matter, but very often is found in face, arm and. At adult, impetigo can happened after other skin disease. Impetigo can also happened after an infection of upper exhalation channel ( for example flu or other virus infection).

Tempo incubation

Time ex until hits disease 1 until 3 day.


Small red fleck become blister containing matter and scabby; usually at face, hand or head. Impetigo is having initial as gape cut generating itchy, then blister, releases contents of its is then runs dry and finally forms.

Impetigo is contagion, contagious passed dilution coming from its(the lepuhan.

Level of varies, starts from pea until big ring. this contains brass is accompanied to feels an itch.

Can happened swelling of lymph gland around area infection.

Tempos deportation suggested

Yes, until treatment is started. Abscess must be covered with bandage which waterproof.


Cleans hand accurately. Infection can be prevented by looking after hygiene and body health. Light incision or chafed hurt better be washed out with soap and water, when needed with matter anti-bacteria.

To prevent infection:

Avoids contact with dilution coming from in skin
Avoids usage with towel, gold digger or clothes with patient

Always cleans hand after handling skin lesion.

Avian influenza

Virus micrograph image flu bird in end phase.

Flu bird ( English: avian influenza) be contagion which caused by usual virus infects bird and mammal.

Table of contents

1 Source of infection
2 Way of infection
3 Symptom and treatment
4 Spreading case
Epidemic initial 5
6 Sees Also
7 External pranala
Source of infection

Cause flu bird is influenza virus type A disseminating between poultries. This virus then is found can also disseminates to other species like pig, cat, dog, tiger, and man.

Influenza virus type A has some subtype marked existence of Hem agglutinin ( H) and Neuramidase ( Nitrogen). There is 9 variant H and 14 variants N. Virus flu bird is being infectiousing is the existing was subtype H5N1 having incubation time during 3-5 days.

Way of infection

Wild bird and domestication poultry ( livestock) can become source of spreader H5N1. In South-East Asia most case flu bird happened at transportation line or breeding of migration line switching poultry of wild bird.

This virus earns is catching passed air and or contact through food, beverage, and touch. However, this virus will die in high temperature. Therefore flesh, egg, and animal must be cooked ripely to avoid infection. X'self hygiene need to be taken care of also by cleaning hand with antiseptic. Hygiene of body and clothes also need to be taken care of.

Virus can live on at cool temperature. Food-stuff made cool or freezed save virus able to. Hand must be cleaned before and after cooking or touchs raw food-stuff.

Poultry shall not be looked after within doors or residence room. Breeding must be restrained from housing to lessen infection risk.

Not forever if infected virus will generate pain. However, this thing can endanger later because virus always mutation causing has pathogen potency at one time. Therefore, if it is found animal or bird which sudden death the side of authority will make estimation existence of flu bird. To prevent infection, other animal around area having case flu bird need to be annihilated.

Symptom and treatment

Public symptom which can happened is high fever, exhalation sigh and ( possibly) stomach. Virus replication in body can crack on so that patient to need soon gets medical attention.

Medical handling and also drug administration done by medical officer in charge. Drugs that is usually is given is hot decrease and anti virus. Among antivirus which can be applied is type pursuing replication from neuramidase ( neuramidase inhibitor), for example Oseltamivir ( Tamiflu) and Zanamivir. Everyone of antivirus has side effects and need to be given during certain causing is required medical doctor opinion.

Spreading case

By 21 Julies 2005, three fatal cases happened in Tangerang, Indonesia, which caused by flu bird subtype H5N1. Differs from other case in South-East Asia ( Thailand, Kamboja, and Vietnam), this case assumed on unique because victim is not many relating to poultry.

Until 29 Novembers 2006, WHO has noted 258 cases with 154 deaths at man who this is viral with detail of as follows ( sees source):

Vietnam — 93 cases with 42 deaths.

Indonesia — 74 cases with 57 deaths ( state with highest death case).

Thailand — 25 cases with 17 deaths.
RRT — 21 cases with 14 deaths.
Egypt — 15 cases with 7 death.

Turkey — 12 cases with 4 death.

Azerbaijan — 8 case with 5 death.

Cambodia — 6 case with 6 death.

Iraq — 3 case with 2 death.

Djibouti — 1 case without death.

Description: number of cases reported by WHO is number of cases which has been verification with result of laboratory.

Beginning of epidemic

Beginning of epidemic at breeding in a world of had been confirmation since December 2003.
Epidemic flu bird also knocks over the Dark Continent. At 8 February 2006, OIE announces Nigeria as first state having positive case of flu bird in that continent. Two weeks then, virus H5N1 is found in a small countryside in Niger, around 72 kms from its(the frontier with Nigeria. This virus also disseminates to Egypt and Cameroon.

December 2003 South Koreas H5n1

January 2004 Vietnam H5N1

Thailand H5N11

North Korea H5n1

Japan H5n1

Laos H5

Cambodia H5n1

Pakistan H7

Taiwan H5N2

Hongkong2 H5N11

Februarys 2004 Vietnam H5N1

Indonesia H5n11

North Korea H5n11

Japan H5n11


United States H2n2,h5n2,h7n2

March 2004 Vietnam H5

Canada H7n31

April 2004 Thailand H51

August 2004 Malaysia H5N1

Afrika Selatan H5N2
South African H5n2

April 2005 North Koreas H7

June 2005 Japans H5n2

July 2005 Philippines H5

Russia H5n11

August 2005 Kazakhstan H5

Mongolia H5n11

October 2005 Rumania H5

Turkey H5N11

Croatia H5N11

November 2005 Vietnam H5N11

Erythema infectious

Erythema Disease infektiosum ( Parvovirus B19) or also recognized as Slapped cheek ( Erythema infectiosum, Fifth disease, Parvovirus B19) be disease infectious.

Tempoh incubation

Time ex until seems to be disease 1 until 2 week.


Simple disease: fever, red cheek, fish-net rash and possibly coughs, throat pain or had a cold. If you are pregnant at the time child of you suffers from this soon meets with you medical doctor because possible there are influence to unborn baby.

Tempoh deportation suggested

Not necessarily. This disease very infectious before rash to emerge.


Dysentery comes from Greek, that is dys (= trouble) and enteron (= intestine), is meaning chafes intestine generating symptom to extend, mixed mucus faeces of blood [ 1]. Dysentery symptoms for example is:

Defecation with bloody faeces

Watery diarrhoea with volume a few

Defecation with mixed faeces of lender(mucus)

Pain in bone when defecation ( tenesmus)


Bacterium ( Dysentery basilar)

Shigella, all important dysentery cause and often (± 60% dysentery case referred and most all heavy dysentery cases and menaces soul because of Shigella [ 2].
Escherichia coli enteroinvasive ( EIEC)

Campylobacter jejuni, especially at baby
Amoeba ( Dysentery amoeba), caused Entamoeba hystolitica, a more regular at child of age > 5 year


Transmission : fecal-oral, through : food / water contamination, person-to-person contact.
Dysentery basiler

Shigella and EIEC

MO --> colonization in ileum terminal’s / colon, especially distal colon ? invasion to cell epitel intestine mucosa --> multiplication --> spreading of intracellular and intercell --> produce of enterotoxin --> ? cAMP --> persecretion of intestine ( liquid diarrhoea, secretion diarrhoea). --> produce of exotoxin ( Shiga toxin) --> cytotoxic --> infiltration of cell chafes --> cell necrosis epitel mucosa --> small ulkus-ulkus --> erythrocyte and plasma go out to gut lumen --> mixed faeces of blood. --> invasion to lamina propia ? --> bacteremia ( especially at infection Sdysenteriae serotype 1)


MO --> colonization in jejunum/ileum/kolon --> invasion to cell epitel intestine mucosa --> invasion to lamina propia --> infiltration of cells chafes --> synthesis Prostaglandin --> produce of heat-labile cholera-like enterotoxin --> invasion to Plak Peyeri --> spreading to KGB mesentery --> hypertrophy --> degradation of blood stream to mucosa --> mucosa necrosis --> ulkus chasm --> erythrocyte and plasma go out to lumen --> mixed faeces of blood.

Campylobacter jejuni

MO --> colonization in jejunum/ileum/kolon --> invasion to cell epitel intestine mucosa --> invasion to lamina propia --> infiltration of cells chafes --> Prostaglandin --> produce of heat-stabile cholera-like enterotoxin --> produce of cytotoxin ?? --> mucosa necrosis --> ulkus --> erythrocyte and plasma go out to lumen --> mixed faeces of blood. --> steps into circulation ( bacteremia).

Dysentery amoeba

Form of histolitika ( trophozoite) --> invasion to cell epitel intestine mucosa --> produce of enzyme histolisin ? intestine mucosa network necrosis --> invasion to stibmucosa network --> ulkus amoeba --> wide ulkus and interaction forms stibmucosa sines --> imbibition surface damage ? malabsorption --> ? mass intraluminal --> osmotic pressure intraluminal --> diarrhoea osmotik.

Manifests clinics

Dysentery basiler

Sudden diarrhoea accompanied by blood and mucus in faeces. At dysentery shigellosis, at pain start, can there is watery diarrhoea without blood in first 6-24 hours, and after 12-72 hours after pain start, got blood and mucus in faeces.

High temperature ( 39,50 - 400 C), appear toxic.



Muscle-bound pain in stomach and ill in anus when CHAPTER.

Sometime is accompanied with symptom to look like encephalitis and sepsis ( spastic, headache, lethargy, scruff rigid, hallucination).

Dysentery amoeba

Diarrhoea is accompanied [by] blood and mucus in faeces.

Chapter Frequency generally slimmer than dysenteries basiler (= 10x/hari)

Excitement stomachache ( colic)

Constitutional symptom usually not exist ( hot only found by 1/3 cases).


Diagnosis klinis can be upheld solely by finding mixed faeces of blood. Etiology diagnosis usually difficult to be upheld. Straightening of etiology diagnosis through image of klinis as of difficult eye, while inspection of faeces breeding to know causal agent often not necessarily be done by eating stripper time ( minimum of 2 day) and generally good symptom with therapy antibiotika empiric.

Inspection of supporter which can be done :

inspection of Faeces

Makroskopis : an dysentery amoeba can be upheld if found form of trophozoite in faeces

Benzidin test

Microscopic : fecal leucocyte ( petanda existence of colitis), fecal blood.

Faeces breeding :

Media : that MacConkey, xylose-lysine deoxycholate ( XLD), that SS.

Inspection of routine blood : leucocytosis ( 5000 – 15000 sel/mm3), sometimes detectable leucopenia.



Electrolyte trouble, especially hiponatremia


Protein loosing enteropathy

Sepsis and DIC

Syndrome Hemolytic Uremia

Malnutrition / mal absorption


rectal Prolapsed

Reactive arthritis

Syndrome Guillain-barre


Toxic megacolon

Perforation local


How to do

1. Pays attention to child generality, if(when child of appear toxic, status gizi is less, does inspection of blood ( if possible is accompanied with blood culture) to detect existence of bacterium. If suspected existence of sepsis, gives therapy according sepsis at child. Takes heed existence of sepsis shock. 2. Dysentery therapy component : a. Corrective and maintenance dilution and electrolyte. b. Diet c. Antibiotic d. Sanitary landfill

a. Corrective and maintenance dilution and electrolyte

Like at acute diarrhoea case in general, first thing of which must be paid attention in dysentery after stable situation is assessment and corrective to hydration status and electrolyte balance.

b. Diet

Child of with dysentery must be continued giving of its(the food. Gives high slack diet of calorie and protein to prevent malnutrition. High unit dose of vitellarium ( 200000 IU) can be given to reduce level of hard of dysentery, especially to estimable child experiences deficiencies. To take a short cut disease journey, can be given biotic and preparat zinc oral8,9. In drugs giving, must be paid attention that drugs slowing down gut motility shall not be given caused by risk to lengthen a period of pain.

c. Antibiotic

• Child of with dysentery must be suspected suffers shigellosis and gets therapy appropriate. Therapy with correct antibiotic will lessen a period of pain and reduces risk complicacy and death. • Main choice for Shigelosis ( according to fomentation WHO) : Kotrimokasazol ( trimetoprim 10mg/kbBB/hari and sulfametoksazol 50mg/kgBB/hari) divided into 2 dose, during 5 day. • From result of research, is not got difference of giving benefit of kotrimoksazol compared to placebo10. • Alternative which can be given : o Ampisilin 100mg/kgBB/hari divided into 4 dose o Cefixime 8mg/kgBB/hari divided into 2 dose o Ceftriaxone 50mg/kgBB/hari, unit dose IV or IM o Nalidixic acid 55mg/kgBB/hari divided into 4 dose. • Repair ought to seen in 2 day, for example temperature downwards, ill and blood in faeces decreases, frequency CHAPTER decreases, etc. If(when in 2 day is not happened repair, antibiotic must be stopped and changed with other alternative. • Therapy antiamubik is given with indication : o is Found [by] trophozoite Entamoeba hystolistica in microscopic inspection of faeces. o permanent bloody faeces after therapy with 2 antibiotic successively ( each given for 2 day), effective usual for dysentery basiler. • Therapy selected as antiamubik intestinal at child of is Metronidazol 30-50mg/kgBB/hari divided into 3 dose during 10 days. If(when dysentery of course is because of E.

hystolistica, situation will be good in 2-3 days therapy.

d. Sanitary landfill

? Advises to old fellow child of always cleans hand with cleanness as of pot is clean cleans faeces child of prevent autoinfection.

Case load

* Addison - lacking of adrenal gland hormone.
* Wind Ahmar ( stroke)
Antrax - disease haiwan is sodium.
* Apendik
Aphasia - communication problem is caused [by] kerosakan nerve.
Womb jetty boil ( cancer cervix)
* Lung boil
* Boil virgin.
* Boil chest virgin - technique.
Coughs kokol - Pertussis
High Blood
* High blood
Fever Denggi
Yellow fever
* Epilepsy Fever
Diphtheria - infection bacteria at tonsil.
* Dementia - forgetful.
Dyslexia - problem reads and writes.
Ebola - hemorrhage from all caves roma.
Glaucoma - high pressure in eye
Hepatitis A - liver disease
Hepatitis B - liver disease
* Secondary hypertension.
* Hypertiroid - ( production of abundant thyroid hormone).
* Hypotiroid - ( less thyroid hormone).
Insomnia - problem to sleep.
* Infection of Urethra
Heart Pain ( Heart Coronary)
Kaedah designs family
Tooth clasp ( Tetanus)
* Cancer
Cataract - membrane at eye
* Pregnancy
Diabetes ( diabetes)
Catheter Cardiac
Foot-and-mouth disease at man
Sleeping sickness
* Tired / Asthma

Movement Problem of Periodic Member ( Periodical of Limb Movement Disorder ( PLMD)).
Problem to sleep.
* Distress Boy Dieback In Keeping quiet
* Dieback - A Thousand And One The About Viagra
Family design
* Menorrhagia - Abundant menstruation blood.
Narcolepsy - problem to sleep.
Osteoporosis - bone decay disease
Surgery Caesarean
Venereal disease
Porphyries - blue urine disease.
Prolaktinoma - plant dims in pituitary gland
* Benign Prostates Hyperplasia ( BPH)
* Prostate
* Menopause
Syndrome Cushing - Abundant of cortical hormone.
Syndrome Down - disease baka
Toxic Surprise Syndrome
Anxious Foot/Feet Syndrome ( Restless Leg Syndrome ( RLS)).
Toxic Surprise Syndrome
Systematical of Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE / LUPUS)
* Thalasemia – disease baka annihilates red blood cell
* Backbone Pain.
* Fact About Influenza
Dirt Filter Kidney In Body
* Retrieval Importance of Food Is having special quality
* Disease Often Is Faced Boy
* The Importance Of Vaccination For Common Disease
* A Thousand And One The About Viagra
* Deadly still Murderer Pressure

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis Disease A because of virus propagated by kotoran/tinja patient usually through food, do not pass activity sexual or through blood. lightest A Hepatitis compared to type hepatitis lain(B and C). Whereas hepatitis B and C is propagated [by] through blood media and activity sexual and riskier compared to Hepatitis A.

Incubation period

Time ex until hits disease about 2 until 6 week. you will experience symptom symptom like fever, light, worn-out, and drawn. Fever happened is fever that is continuous, not like other fever is at dengue, tbc, etc.


Often there is no for moppet; abrupt fever, loses appetite, nausea, puking, jaundice ( skin and eye becomes yellows), depth of color urine, pale faeces.

Why should deportation suggested

During 2 week after symptom

the chikungu

the Chikungu is conspecific of viral fever caused by alphavirus propagated by mosquito bite from species Aedes aegypti. Its(the name comes from a word in language Makonde is meaning " curved upward", refers to body bowing as result of symptoms arthritis this disease.

This very first disease is noted in Tanzania, African in the year 1952, then in Uganda the year 1963. In Indonesia, extraordinary case ( KLB) its(the Chikungu reported in the year 1982 in some provinsi: Yogyakarta ( 1983), Estuary Enim ( 1999), Acheh and Bogor ( 2001). An the Chikungu epidemic is found in Port Klang in Malaysia in the year 1999, infects 27 [ 1].

This disease symptom is including sudden fever reaching 39 degree of C, pain in bone at articulation especially knee joint, bangle, toe and hand and backbone accompanied by rash ( gathering of squeezing fleck) at skin. There is also headache, conjunctival injection and a few photophobias.

Serology test for the Chikungu is available in Universities Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

There are no as of special care goods as its(the Chikungu. This disease usually can limit x'self and will recover x'self. Treatment based on symptom is suggested [by] after avoid riskier other disease.


Measles is a real catching disease during children, but also groans adult. Measles symptoms enough fearful. Children that is less gizi easy to be attacked komplikasi which fatal.


Wormy is gathering of symptom existence of worm in body.

Popular wormy cause is tapeworm, worm crème, and hookworm. Usually worm can easily catching.

Incubation time

Time ex until seems to be disease sign a few weeks.


Itchy bottom, be one of symptom for worm type Enterobius vermicularis. At this worm species, exit worm from hole anus, usually between two lights when we are sleep, and puts down its(the egg in area anal ( around anus). By using zloty, example of eggs earns in taking and visible with help of microscope for diagnose.

Deportation time suggested

Not necessarily.


Wormy can be prevented by cleaning body, especially hand and foot/feet with water and soap with cleanness.

When one of member of family hit to be wormy, hence all people in house must be taken care , towel and clothes used at 2 day before must be cleaned with warm water and detergent[1]

Chicken pox

Face a chicken pox patient

Chicken pox or Varicella simplex is a contagion which caused by virus infection varicella-zoster. This disease propagated in aerogen.

Incubation period

Time ex until hits disease in tempo 2 until 3 week.


At its(the start, patient will feel a few fevers, head cold, quickly feels run down, drawn, and light. This symptoms typically for virus infection. At heavier case, can be got joint pain in bone, headache and confused. A few days then arises squeezing at small fairish skin which is first is found around chest and stomach or back then is followed arises in member of motion and face.

Squeezing at this skin then turned into resilient to contain dilution with thin wall. This skin rash possibly felt rather pain in bone or itchy causing can be scratched do not intend. If this resilient let hence would soon runs dry forming keropeng ( Krista) which later will escape and leaves pock in skin darkened ( hyperpigmentation). This pock in process of time will fade so that some times then will not leave secondhand again.

Other the things of if the chicken pox resilient is broken. Krista would soon is formed deeper so that will run dry longer. this condition facilitates infection of bacterium happened at ex- the hurt. after running dry ex- the chicken pox will eliminate secondhand which in. Particularly if patient was young adult or adult, ex- chicken pox would more difficult to disappear.

Quarantine time suggested

During 5 day after rash starts emerging and until all blisters has scabby. During the quarantine is better if patient still take a bath as usual, because germ residing in at dermatitis skin will be able to is being hit chicken pox. To avoid incidence [of] ex- hurt which is difficult loosed better avoid breaking it chicken pox resilient. When drying body after bath shall not rub it with too towel firm. To avoid itching, better be given talc powder containing menthol causing lessens friction happened at skin so that skin is not many irritation. For the things having sensitive skin earned also applies talc powder salycil which is not contained menthol. Ascertains you also always consumes nourishment to quicken healing process of itself disease. Consumption fruits is containing ascorbic acid like red guava and tomato of which can be made juice.


Available immunization for children having age more than 12 months. This immunization suggested for people above age 12 years which is not has this tightly impenetrability / invulnerable of diseases of its(the bearing with body impenetrability.


this Varicella actually can recover by itself. However doesn't close possibility that existence of recurring attack when the individual experiences decrease body endurance. Disease varicella can be given help" Asiklovir" in the form of tablet 800 magnesium’s per day every 4 hour(clock once ( adult dose, that is 12 years upward) during 7-10 days and balm containing asiklovir 5% dabbed is thin on the surface of infection by 6 times one day during 6 day. Condensation " PK" counted 1% dissolved in bath water usually also is applied.

After a period of healing varicella, can be continued with treatment of ex- hurt generated with many consuming mineral water to neutralize kidney after consuming drug. consumption of Placebo ascorbic acid and or which directly from fresh fruits like juice guava, juice tomato and wine. Vitamin E for dampness of skin can be gotten from placebo, beverage from aloe, and or sea grass. Usage of lotion is containing moisturizer extra when hurt truly has recovered needed to avoids further irritation.

Third Murderer Disease Hypertension

Hypertension now inscribed as third murderer disease after heart sickness and cancer. This disease hardly related to someone life pattern. " A lot of food that is the taste is scrumptious, but doesn't make healthy," said Lily Sulistyowati when contacted [by] Tempo, this morning.

His(its fatal, consumption pattern eats that now infects the rising generation. " Young children has accustomed consumes food ready saji which mostly indisposed," says Lily.

This type food spread over in various gray, easy to be got, but high cholesterol. If(when pattern eats and unhealthy life pattern still going, in five years someone can feel its(the effect. Age below(under 40 years also can be attacked hypertension.

Hypertension also related genetic factor. " If(when parent has hypertension tendency, possibility will decline also to the child," said Lily to remind. To prevent hypertension, must be diligent having athletic and consumes healthy food which well-balanced. Avoids also briny food.

In Indonesia, hypertension can also infects certain tribe. Lily examples in West Sumatra that is even has special hospital of stroke. " Field food type a lot contains cholesterol," he said.

Today, starts at 0930, Our Hope Hospital in Slipi, Jakarta West becomes place of top is falling by 17 Mays. The Minister of Public Health Siti Fadilah Supari will attend also event of in hospital place of s(he have ever become the cardiologist. This year, Indonesia specifies 17 Mays as Hypertension National Day.

Various activities will fill commemoration of this Hypertension day. Some cardiologists will present handing out and gives relevant information the relation of hypertension with disease cardiovascular, nervous system, kidney and nutrition. Besides, there will be also ripe demonstration with health food menu to avoid hypertension.


Scientific classification

Empire: Animalia

Phylum: Chordate

Class: Mammalian

Order: Artiodactyls

Familial: Bovidae

Subfamily: Caprinae

Genus: Ovis

Species: aries

Binomial name

Ovis aries

Linnaeus, 1758

Sheep is four footed ruminants with wool hair. Which very is recognized people is looking after sheep ( Ovis aries), what is breed estimable from wild moufflon from Middle Asia of south and west. For type differ from sheep and nearness consanguinity, sees goat antelope. Sheep differs from goat.


At least there are seven sheep species:

Argali, Ovis ammon

Sheep Domestic, Ovis aries

Bighorn Sheep, Ovis canadensis

Thinhorn Sheep, Ovis dalli

Mouflon, Ovis musimon

Snow sheep, Ovis nivicola

Urial, Ovis orientalis

Many halfblooded of sheep happened, usually is divided to become:

halfblooded of wool, or

halfblooded of flesh, or

second above.


Mumps Disease is a disease type doesn't infectious.

Incubation tempo

Time ex until hits disease 14 to 25 days.


Fever, ill and bloated gland in part of jaw.

Deportation tempo suggested

Suggested during 9 day after swelling arises.


Immunization ( MMR) at the age of 12 months and 4 year.


International code for classification Pertussis ICD-10 A37

ICD-9 033

Whooping Disease or also recognized as " pertusis" or in English Whooping Cough is one contagions. In world happened around 30 to 50 million cases per year, and causes death by 300000 cases ( data from WHO). This disease usually happened at child of having age below(under 1 year. 90 % case is happened in developing countries, this disease usually is resulted from bacterium Bordetella but not rarely is resulted from B. parapertussis

Incubation period

Time ex until seems to be disease sign 3 to 12 days.


Usually is started with light ISPA symptom like coughing, sneeze and dilution of continuous exit nose ( at stadium catarrhal) later after 1 week until 2 week is continued by coughing continuous but is followed a period of where there are interval coughs ( stadium paroxysmal). Coughs this possibly can be followed with existence of puking, this thing is caused [by] nausea taste is suffered, and at moppet where physiological reflect of has not been formed in perfected hence will generate puking, this thing is not rarely brings towards malnutrition. Coughs this earns in trigger by evaporating, laughs or screams, and will decrease after 1 until 2 month. Complicacy can follow this situation is pneumonia, encephalitis, hypertension at lung, and infection bacterial follows.


Catching pertusis passed droplet to cough from patient is hit [by] this disease and then breathed in by healthy people of doesn't have body impenetrability, antibiotic can be given to lessen the happening of infection bacterial follows and lessens possibility that its(the weight this disease ( comes up with stadium catarrhal) after stadium catarrhal antibiotic remain to given to lessen spreading of this disease, antibiotic also is passed to people contact with patient, expected with gift of like this will lessen the happening of infection at the healthy people.


If its(the disease weight, patient usually is taken care of in hospital. They is placed in calm chamber and not too light. Hubbub can be stimulate attack to cough. Can be done suction of mucus from red lane. At case that is weight, oxen is given [by] direct to lung through tubing put into by trachea. To replace dilution losing because puking and because baby usually cannot eat as result of coughing, hence given [by] dilution through infusion. Gizi good of vital importance, and is better if food given in small portion but often. To eradicate bacterium, usually is given antibiotic eritromycin.


Most of patient experiences total recovery, though takes place slow. Around 1-2% child having age under 1 year to die. Death happened because the lessen of oxen to brain ( anoxia encephalopathie) and bronkopneumonia.


Immunization at the age of 2, 4, 6, and 18 months and 4-6 years. Expected to hit of pertusis would more and more low with giving of immunization, and disease symptom also will not as heavy if without gives of immunization.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


ANNUAL REPORT of Hospital University [in] Glorious Petaling recognize surely heart sickness that precede death number every year compare other diseases. Number sickness of heart progressively mount 5% from year 1991 so that 1992. Apart from heart sickness, there are six other disease which often menace boy and cause death. [Among/Between] him [is] boil, waist bush, diabetes and thyroid.

Semi this serious disease may be taken care of and healed [by] if getting rawatan early. Boy suggested to make inspection of doctor at least biannual look into there are disease which cannot press, no inspection of doctor. Life deed which [is] health assist boy of disease- disease of danger. If natural you [of] marking below/under, immediately get inspection of doctor of uncertainty.


Caution! This Disease also become murderer of number one boy besides than accident [in] roadway. Boy ratio of heart patients sickness compare woman [is] 5:1. Heart sickness more is attacking [of] boy of because woman body contain of a kind protection hormone of[is so-called estrogen. This hormone [of] have function to perpetuate size channel blood under normal circumstances. Even though, woman which smoking and experiencing of diabetes pain also have potency [to] get diabetes pain also have potency [to] get heart pain like boy. But to woman which [do] not smoke and [do] not experience of goods of[is problem of diabetes, opportunity get this disease attenuate to compare boy.


Diabetes and high blood.

Most patient which [is] disease of high blood and diabetes have potency [to] get heart sickness. disease of diabetes often experience of lacking of insulin content in body. As a result fat in body difficult to break time of metabolism. Blood channel become to narrow and taper down blood to heart.

High blood pressure also cause heart of bacterial more bad and making [him/ it] is bigger. As a result, oxygen to heart fall short if big heart size and cause heart muscles cannot function better.


Clan factor also become this disease hill. If father or mother of have heart sickness, children also [is] same disease ices.


Accrue demeanor very influence health of heart. Intake of abundant fat become especial hill cause difficult and narrow; tight blood channel [of] blood to heart.


Alcohol also become enemy to health of heart. Alcohol cause transfer of fat in body. Alcohol may be annihilate [of] fat of HDL ( Hudensity Lipoprotein) in body. Fat of HDL [is] from important vegetable and good to health of body. alcohol of cause fat of HDL change over to become LDL ( Lowdensity Lipoprotein). Fat of LDL recognized also unfavorable fat and he [do] not be needed [by] very.


Deed smoke to cause commisioned lung cater oxygen cannot undertake better and may oxygen comesin body. If oxygen decrease, directly he [is]comes health of heart.


Activity exterior which [is] health need for your heart. Activity cause heart undertake active with interest and burn fats which [do] not be needed at in body. By is such [of] like jogging, swimming and others also need to parry this disease.

Disease marking :
1. Always experience of to feel painfulness [in] chest part
2. Often have sweat [to] with many. They [is] have sweat [to] by which below par.
3. They also often feel dizzy and poking.

Way of avoid that:

1. [Do/Conduct] jogging consecutively.
2.its there [is] high blood or diabetes, getting care immediately.
3. To smoker and drunkard, discontinuing this ugly demeanour as soon as possible.
4. Don'T be insensitive perform [a] inspection of doctor every year.
5. For the man who experience of the problem of body weight, labour to taper down body to weight.

Predict want to taper down body weight, [do/conduct] fairly. [Do/Conduct] jogging and taper down intake of food especially fatty food. Don'T once in a while use goods or pill of medicine to taper down body to weight. This [of] thin pill goods because there [is] impression of unfavourable peripheral for the body of your body.


Ratio disease of boil which [is] targeting by boy of including lung boil, blood boil ( pharynx boil and leukemia).

DISEASE in critical.

Especial critical of lung boil smoke and disclosure to dirt containing dioxide carbon and silica of[is including smokes of factory smoke.

Critical hill to disease of blood boil still unknown critics. Disease of pharynx boil also merely attack among Chinese nation. He by inheritance and virus.
Marking disease of Boil Lung.
Cough which not break.
Cough accompanied [by] blood.
downhill Body weight and body becoming is thin.

Discontinuing demeanour smoke. Follow life ethics which [is] health. Use protector to avoid and parry x'self of air containing dioxide carbon and silica.

this Disease owner still may be taken care of is earlier. If age have reach 40 year, it is better often find doctor. If going into effect hemorrhage goods, immediately find doctor.

Its it

Take care early made to [pass/through] inspection of X-Ray. Predict this disease pass [in] taking care of, opportunity for recovering [is] attenuating.

Marking disease of Boil Blood:

Fever which repeatedly.
Oftentimes go into effect hemorrhage.
Blood go out from hair caves, ear and nose.
Easy husk become thick and like to swell.
Marking disease of Boil of Tekok.
Nose often bleed.
Hearing effort decrease.
Neck become swelling.

This disease cannot be taken care of so that recover. la shall only be guarded is only.
Its it
There are some type of leukemia may be healed [by] medicine and of doctor care. There [is] also type of leukemia irremediable.


Tuberculosis patient lung through X-ray

Tuberculoses or tuberculosis is infection because bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, what can destroy lung but earns also about central nervous system ( meningitis, system lymphatic, circulation system ( milliard TB), system genitourinary, bone and joint.

Indonesia stays in third rank is ugly in world for tuberculosis patient amounts. Every year emerges 500 thousand new cases and more than 140 thousand other died.

Date of 24 March is commemorated [by] world as “Day Tuberculosis". By 24 March 1882, Robert Koch in Berlin, German, presents results of cause tuberculosis found by it.


Tuberculosis exhalation, confirmation in bacteriologic and histology

Tuberculosis exhalation, is not confirmation in bacteriologic and histology

Tuberculosis at nervous system
Tuberculosis at other organ
Tuberculosis millier


Tetanus disease is one of dangerous infection because influencing nerve blood-vessel system and muscle. Said tetanus taken away from Greek that is tetanos from teinein is meaning strained. This disease is infection disease where spasme tonic muscle and hyperreflexia causes trismus ( lockjaw), spasme public muscle, curved of back ( opistotonus), glottal spasme, spastic and spasme and respiration paralysis.

Pathogenesis and pato physiology

Tetanus is caused [by] neurotoxin ( tetanospasmin) from anaerobe gram-positive bacteria, Clostridium tetani, originallyly finite 1 of 2 week after inoculation form of spore into body blood experiencing wounded ( incubation period). This disease is 1 from 4 important disease which manifests main clinics is result from exotoxin strength influence ( tetanus, gas gangrene, diphtheria, botulism).

Bacterium Clostridium this tetani many found in land, night soil and looking after animal and in agriculture area. Place of the entry of this disease germ can in the form of in hurt relating to damage of local network, planted of foreign object or sepsis with contamination of land, small and [shallow/ superficial] chafed or shift hurt contamination by land, trauma at hand finger or toe relating to phalanx break and hurt at surgery.


To neutralize poison, given immunoglobulin tetanus. Antibiotic tetracycline and penicillin given to prevent forming of further poison.

Other drug can be given to make calm patient, controls spastic and loosens muscles.

Patient usually is taken care of in hospital and placed in calm room. For middle infection until weight, may be necessary is attached ventilator to assist exhalation. Food is given [by] through infusion or tubing nasogastrik. To throw away dirt, attached catheter. Patient better lie down rotation of sinistrorse incline or dextrorse and forced to cough to prevent the happening of pneumonia.

To lessen pain in bone is given [by] codeine. Other drug can be given to control blood pressure and heartbeat.

After recovering, must be given complete vaccination because infection of tetanus doesn't give impenetrability to the next infection.


Tetanus has mortality until 50%. Death of its happened at a real young patient, very old and injection drug consumer.

If the symptom deteriorated immediately or if therapy delays, hence its(the ugly prognosis.


Prevents tetanus through vaccination is far better than curing it. At children, tetanus vaccine given as part of vaccine DPT ( diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus). Adult better receive booster

At someone who is having hurt, if:

Has received booster tetanus during 5 last year, not necessarily experience further vaccination

Have never received booster during 5 last year, soon is given vaccination

Have never experienced its(the vaccination or vaccination is incomplete, given injection immunoglobulin first tetanus and injection from vaccination 3 monthly.

Every hurt ( especially rough poke hurt which in) must be cleaned circumspectly because dirt and death network will water down growth of bacterium Clostridium tetani.


Disease is an abnormal situation from body or mind causing in-(un- balmy, dysfunction or difficulty to people is influenced [by] it. To heal disease, ordinary people takes counsel with a medical doctor.

Pathology is pandemic Lesson. Systematic classification subject of disease called as oncology. Pandemic broader knowledge body is medical.


Flea attack is one disease is caused [by] haiwan flea.


Time from lighted upon until egg to hatch usually 5 until 7 day.


Head of itching, white fleck at hair jetty, possibly there are flea in leading.

deportation suggested

Not necessarily so long as is experiencing treatment of flea.


Family, friend and student as of class must be investigated and taken care of if it is hit flea. Bed and clothes must be deloused with drug water or temperature water.


Mange Disease is one contagions which caused by fungi.

Why Should Infection

Why should infection so is hit disease is a few days.


Harsh small part at skin by encircled [by] pink circle.


Mange earns is catching passed direct contact with patient and also indirectly ( through clothes for example). Disease vector usually is dog and cat.


Cleans hand finely, body keep cleaning, and avoids contact with patient.


Usage of anti mushroom drug containing mikonazol ( C18H14Cl4N2O) and kloritomazol ( C22H17ClN2) truly can eliminate infection.


Scabies Disease or also recognized as Scabies is one disease infectious.


Time ex until hits different disease ( possibly a few days). New infection: 2 until 6 week Reinfection: 1 until 4 day.


Itchy skin, more hardly when night. More hardly in wrist, armpit, bottom, groin and hand finger gap and foot/feet.

deportation suggested

Suggested until day treatment has started.


Man that is near must be investigated was lighted upon and taken care of if needs. Cleans all, towel and clothes used at 2 latter day with warm water and detergent.


AIDS in English is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which is gathering of various symptoms and infection in consequence of loss of impenetrability system of body because infection from Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV). Even there [are] handling for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and HIV, its(the drug has not been known. Various influencing factors is health, function of impenetrability, health service, and other infection.

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is estimated to emerges in African Sub-Sahara at century ke-20 and now becomes global epidemic. WHO estimates 2,8 - 3,5 million men floats because acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the year 2004 [ 1].

In nations having access to handling of drug antiretroviral, death rate and case declines. But, the drug also has side effects like lip dystrophy, dyslipidaemia, and rejection of insulin.

Day World Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is commemorated [by] every 1 December to grow awareness to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic in the world which caused by spreading of virus HIV.


Since beginning of epidemic, three infection lines of HIV have been known:

Sexual line, becoming the root cause infection HIV.

Blood line or blood product, most off all menaces consumer narkoba, people with hemophilia, and blood transfusion receiver.

Line mom-child, with infection at last weeks of pregnancy and when birth. Initially, level of infection of this line is 20%. After there are handling, declines so remains 1%

HIV also is found in saliva, tear, sweat water, dirty water, and man sperm who infection with concentration of a real small virus.