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Thursday, May 31, 2007


Tuberculosis patient lung through X-ray

Tuberculoses or tuberculosis is infection because bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, what can destroy lung but earns also about central nervous system ( meningitis, system lymphatic, circulation system ( milliard TB), system genitourinary, bone and joint.

Indonesia stays in third rank is ugly in world for tuberculosis patient amounts. Every year emerges 500 thousand new cases and more than 140 thousand other died.

Date of 24 March is commemorated [by] world as “Day Tuberculosis". By 24 March 1882, Robert Koch in Berlin, German, presents results of cause tuberculosis found by it.


Tuberculosis exhalation, confirmation in bacteriologic and histology

Tuberculosis exhalation, is not confirmation in bacteriologic and histology

Tuberculosis at nervous system
Tuberculosis at other organ
Tuberculosis millier

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