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Monday, June 4, 2007


Wormy is gathering of symptom existence of worm in body.

Popular wormy cause is tapeworm, worm crème, and hookworm. Usually worm can easily catching.

Incubation time

Time ex until seems to be disease sign a few weeks.


Itchy bottom, be one of symptom for worm type Enterobius vermicularis. At this worm species, exit worm from hole anus, usually between two lights when we are sleep, and puts down its(the egg in area anal ( around anus). By using zloty, example of eggs earns in taking and visible with help of microscope for diagnose.

Deportation time suggested

Not necessarily.


Wormy can be prevented by cleaning body, especially hand and foot/feet with water and soap with cleanness.

When one of member of family hit to be wormy, hence all people in house must be taken care , towel and clothes used at 2 day before must be cleaned with warm water and detergent[1]

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